Process Mapping

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Process Mapping: How to Create Process Maps and Improve Your Business Processes


This Course is For You If…

You are a manager, project leader, process owner or individual involved in improving the effectiveness of your business processes.



Learning Outcomes

 Explain the concept of the business process and how process maps can help a business
 Describe how to illustrate the decomposition of operations into processes and tasks
 Explain the benefits of defining end-to-end processes
 Explain how to use ‘swim-lines’ to denote functional responsibilities
 Demonstrate how to produce a business process map
 Explain how to validate the accuracy of a process map
 Describe options for documenting a process


This course will demonstrate the value of process maps and show how to produce basic process maps and use them to analyse, plan and implement process improvement projects.

Benefits of Attending

Participants will gain an understanding of the concepts of business process mapping, and practical skills in the technique of producing and analysing process maps.

Programme/Course Content

 Why process mapping is so important to ongoing business success
 Principles of process mapping: boxes, arrows and symbols
 Logical flow – practical exercise
 The process mapping and improvement process: DVAIC -Document -Verify -Analyse-Improve -Control

 Keys to documenting processes
 What you need to verify and with whom
 Analyse and problem-solving – who to involve and get buy-in from
 Measure the potential improvement and decide what to change
 Controlling implementation, pros and cons of “big bang” v “pilot and learn”